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292 Responses to “Contests”
  1. peaceloveandreadTatiana says:

    During the summer I love to walk behind my barn and climb the oak tree and read until the sun sets ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Dina says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is in a lounge chair by the pool.

  3. Jordan says:

    Under THE tree. There is a tree near a local church of mine, and I love to sit under it and just read all day long. I just love it! I go there almost every day! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. Grace Clyde says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is under the big tree in my yard. Sometimes the leaves fall on my pages and I use them as bokmarks. (raggs89 at aol dot com)

  5. Erica says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is my hammock outside ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Starting on the Scavenger Hunt! This is a great idea!!!

  7. My favourite place to read regardless of the season is on my bed. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. Deserae McGlothen says:

    My favorite place to read has always been my bed. It gives me the illusion that I can relax and just become immersed in the story. And the blankets are comfy, so there’s that.

    Thanks for this opportunity!
    Deserae McGlothen

  9. Alia says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is the beach at low tide on a warm day, with no people around.

  10. Kira says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is lounging in a chair on my back porch, with my sunglasses and a cool drink while my son plays in the yard.

  11. Ashlee Frame says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is on my grandparents deck…so quiet and peaceful ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Taylor says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in my big, comfy chair next to my window. (:

  13. jessica says:

    is sitting outside under the magnolia tree on a beautiful wooden swing made by my grandfather.

  14. BColella says:

    Oh my favorite place it out a the park or beach!!

  15. Lenmeo says:

    I love to read in the woods near the water

    jellipe at hotmail dot com

  16. ashley says:

    I would have to say probably just out in my backyard when there’s no one around

  17. Brenna says:

    My favouite place is probably out by my pool ๐Ÿ™‚ although, I’m also a bubble bath reader! ๐Ÿ™‚


  18. Krystal says:

    My favorite place to read is at the beach. Amazing!


  19. Christina says:

    My favorite place to read is on the beanbag chair in my room :).

  20. Marisa says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is definitely the beach. Thanks so much for this giveaway!

  21. Courtney says:

    My favorite place to read is on my property right along the river. Sooo relaxing ; )


  22. My favorite place to read in the summer is in the creepy attic at my grandmother’s. She has a tin roof that echoes all sorts of noises and scratches that scare me to death even as an adult!

    Thanks for the chance to enter.

  23. Sorry, I forgot to leave my email:

  24. Marissa L. says:

    My favorite place to read over the summer is under a shady tree on a warm summer’s afternoon, next to a lake. ๐Ÿ™‚ There’s nothing better then a quiet lake, sunshine and a good book.

  25. Natasha says:

    My favorite place to read is in my comfy recliner.

  26. Yesenia Saldana says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is under the big palm tree in my yard. Its gotten really big and keeps the sun out of my eyes and I can lean against it very comfortably.

  27. Mariah says:

    In my backyard!
    a_readers_adventure at yahoo dot com

  28. Amanda says:

    It would probably be at home in my room,

  29. Liz Anderson says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer was outside under the shade of our big mulberry tree. Sadly it got cut down last summer so I’ve been reading on our porch swing!

  30. Carie says:

    My favorite place to read is anywhere I can grab a few minutes–but a lounge chair on the patio in the summer is a dream come true!

  31. Christina Bodden says:

    My favorite place to read would be by the window when it rains or when it isn’t raining outside with my two cats.

  32. Valerie Rusnak says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is at my father’s house. I love to sit outside on the couch swing and relax with my book, as it is nice and peaceful, and i can hear the birds chirping, and feel the sun, and smell all those beautiful summer smells, of grass, and trees,with a slight breeze, and it’s just perfect.

  33. Donya P. says:

    I love to read almost anywhere. I do believe I have a book with me where ever I go. My fav. place though I guess would have to be swinging in the swing on the porch.

  34. Jeanina Kay Reyes says:

    Mine is in my room with my door closed, listening to music. I don’t know how that is possible but I dance while I read:P

  35. casey plew says:

    my fav place to read is in my hammock!

  36. Martha M. says:

    I live in Phx so summer is too hot to go anywhere so I’d rather stay home and read in my darkened and cool living room with the A/C going! ๐Ÿ˜€

  37. Michelle says:

    i love to read in my backyard under the papaya trees.

    chelleyreads AT gmail DOT com

  38. Nicole Toms says:

    We have this park near my town. There is so much room that you can go somewhere and literally only hear the wind whistling. i like to climb all the way up this hill that is blocked off by trees on two sides but the sun shines right above you as you lie on the grass and read. I can escape for hours there. That is my favorite place to read.

  39. Racquel says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is the beach! It has the best soundtrack ๐Ÿ˜‰

    thegreatest_aeariana [at] yahoo [dot] com

  40. Tiffany Howell says:

    To be quiet honest I don’t have a favorite place to read. Anywhere I go and allowed to take a book is where I love to read and if I could walk perfectly while walking and cooking and cleaning I would read while doing all of that.

  41. Ruby says:

    My favourite place to read is on top of this huge rock you have to climb up. Its literally named THE BIG ROCK. Its on the north end of this really long beach where we go for holiday in the summer.

    Hardly anybody goes there are you have to know how to climb up it.

    Its a great place for reading.

  42. Mary Huff says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in my favorite lounge chain with my feet reclined and cushy pillows surrounding me and a cold drink by my side.

  43. Dakshayani says:

    My favourite place to read during the summer would be in Malaysia and with my grandparents.The tropical weather,humidity plus the chaos from the rain really brings a blend into this already yearning passion for me to read.Absolutely Malaysia and my grandparents are great people to read with.

  44. A. K. Fotinos-Hoyer says:

    on my balcony


  45. Edesa says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in my backyard under my gazebo.

  46. Kasey says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is in the cemetery where my father is buried.

  47. I love to read outside on the deck before it gets too hot.

  48. My favorite place to read is on the beach under an umbrella. Please enter me to win:

    tmilstein at gmail dot com

  49. I love reading in my parents sitting room, or out by the lake in front of our house. Just being outside it generally my number one choice.

  50. Stephanie says:

    warm weather it’s out in my porch swing with a cold drink
    cool weather snuggled up in my flannel blanket on my bed or couch

  51. Sarah Evans says:

    My favorite place to read this summer has been curled up on my couch while my son slept. If I could pick anywhere, it would be this little rose garden I found in Salzburg, Austria many years ago.


  52. Jessica says:

    I love to lay on a blanket in my backyard with my dogs and read in the sun (if it’s not too hot!). ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. Stephanie Overton says:

    I have enjoyed reading sitting next to the pool.

    Stephanie O.

  54. We have a terrific bench swing outside that I like to read on while my kids play.

  55. Vilmarys Collado says:

    My favorite place to read is on my couch or in my bedroom. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Cathy says:

    My favorite place to read is the oversized armchair in the sunny corner of my living room. Of course, I like it when it’s raining, too!

  57. Noelle Walker says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer, is my room and lay sprawled out on the bed, It’s a nice, comfy, and quiet place to read!

  58. Christina says:

    I love to read outside on my patio before sunset

  59. Rachelle H says:

    I like to read on my trampoline. It’s quiet, secluded and I can get a nice tan. : )

  60. Phallene Tek says:

    My favorite place to read is by the pool.

  61. My favorite place to read in the summer is by the lake, preferably in a comfy beach chair with a holder for my gatorade. Interesting how I called it a beach chair and not a lake chair… Well you know what I mean.

  62. sarah says:

    My favorite place to read is out on my deck by the pool and pond.

  63. My favorite place is in the doorway of the stable (preferable when its warm and sunny or when it pores down with thunder and lightening)


  64. Yolande says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is on my bed in my room with the air conditioner on! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway – can’t wait to read your books!


  65. MaliaMalia says:

    My favorite place to read is in my awesomely comfortable club chair. Or, really, anywhere that I can get comfortable. It’s pretty amazing how comfy you can get when you so focused on reading.

  66. Gilly says:

    Poolside, under a giant unmbrella, wearing good sunglasses to block the glar,e with a frost ice coffee by my side.

    Great giveaway

    gillysegal at gmail dot com

  67. Jessy says:

    My favorite place to read is under my pergola filled with roses.

    Findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  68. LorettaLynn says:

    I love to read under a big ol shade tree:)
    Great giveaway
    new widget

  69. Sammy says:

    Every Summer my family goes to Lake Bomoseen in Vermont. All of my family. Sometimes it gets a little crazy. That’s why my favorite place to read is on the docks at sunset where no one else can find me.

  70. Christin says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is on the beach. Sadly, I can’t go there very often, so I end up reading on my couch or in my bed.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  71. At home laying on my couch or on my bed ๐Ÿ™‚

  72. Trudy Zufelt says:

    My favorite place to read is on the couch by the air conditioner.

    tzufelt05 at yahoo dot com

  73. Amy says:

    Honestly, I love to read on my comfy couch in the A/C with one dog (usually my shih tzu, Maddy) curled up in my lap and the other (usually my peekapoo, Cassie) by my feet or on the pillow next to me with a glass of iced tea within reach. Sometimes I sit on a nice lounge chair on the back porch, with iced tea at my side and dogs lying at my feet. Ah, summer! (Of course, nothing beats reading in bed after a long day…or during a late night thunderstorm!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  74. Chloe B says:

    I love reading up at my cottage on our private beach ๐Ÿ™‚ The beach is old and the boathouse is basically falling down, but it’s so secluded, and we have such comfy chairs. I love the sound of the calm lake and the feeling of sun warming your skin.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. Abby Kullman says:

    My favorite place to read is always in my room. ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. My favorite place to read is in a big comfy chair in my bedroom. It is the perfect chair from reading. If I’m not there then by the pool because I love to be warm while I read.

    OBoyledBooks [at] gmail [dot] com

  77. Scoot says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is in my big comfy reading chair in my bedroom. I love to curl up and just read for hours (basking in the AC!!). ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the chance to win! seescootread[at]gmail[dot]com

  78. karen harker says:

    love to read out in the country. it’s quiet except for the sounds of the animals.

  79. Karen says:

    My favorite place is… I guess my bed or anywhere where I can sit ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. In the summer, nothing could beat the beach! Warm sand on my toes, the waves crashing in…. ahhh…. definitely wishing I was there now. Unfortunately, I don’t get to go often, so my neighborhood pool has to suffice!

  81. Kelsey says:

    My favorite place to sit and read is the beach. There’s just something peaceful about reading with the sounds of waves crashing in the background. Thanks for the giveway!

  82. Leah says:

    My favorite summer reading spot is my shady porch.

  83. Joely says:

    My favourite place to read during the summer would have to be the beach. With the sun and the waves, it makes for a perfect reading spot ๐Ÿ™‚


  84. Jenn says:

    I love to read in my bed. There are a lot of comfy pillows on my bed, and there is always an abundance of natural light.

  85. Hillary M. says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is leaning against my special rock in the woods, listening to the birds.

  86. Stacie says:

    I love reading in the backyard with a cup of coffee early in the morning while my puppies are outside with me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    lillyreads (at) gmail (dot) com

  87. Alyssa Ashcraft says:

    My favoritte place to read is my backyard, under the tree or on the patio in my little lounge chair.

  88. bmwyatt says:

    I love to read curled up on my couch. But during the summer, what better place to read than the beach!

  89. I love to read curled up on our love seat.

  90. Angela S says:

    My favorite place to read is on the couch–summer, winter, fall, or spring! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    adsanders77 at gmail dot com

  91. beachtwin110 says:

    My favorite place to read is probably either on the beach or curled up in a blanket on the couch. ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Ems says:

    My favorite summer reading spot is the big comfy chair right by the big living room windows. Lets in the sunlight and is isolated enough that I feel like I can get all wrapped up in the book.

    I’m loving the scavenger hunt!!


  93. Allison says:

    In truth I can read almost anywhere and make it the perfect spot, but during the summer, my favorite place to read is on my trampoline.

  94. nikkisun says:

    My hammock set up someplace not quite so hot like the lake, beach, mountains, or the river.

  95. I only like to read curled up on my bed in my room. It’s way to hot outside here in the summer, so I prefer to stay inside. ๐Ÿ™‚

  96. Lilli says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in our guest room. There’s a high back chair by the window with a little table next to it. I grab iced coffee and my favorite book of the moment and head for the chair. I turn on the ceiling fan and read. Usually, our two cats join me and sleep on the guest room bed while I read. Perfect!

  97. YA SCAVENGER HUNTERS! These are awesome entries! I want to come read with you by the pool and under your magnolia tree!

  98. Lindsey Rosier says:

    I like to lock myself in my sewing room and pretend I’m working (I’m a seamstress)! No one bothers me when I’m working in there and I can get hours of uninterrupted reading time!!

  99. MY faveorite place during the summer is hanging with my friends either outside or inside depending if it’s to hot outside or not.

  100. Dee says:

    In the corner of my room in my rocking chair by the window. Their is natural light, and I like to watch the chipmunks play when I take breaks in between reading. In the winter its nice to watch the snow falling, its like my own little world in that corner.

  101. Kelsey says:

    I love to read anywhere, because the books themselves will transport me to all the places I’ve ever wanted to go. But I do have a particular fondness for getting out of New York City and traveling up to the Colorado mountains where my parents live. Hot sun, crisp mountain air, and the smells of nature that I miss when living in Manhattan. All five senses blissfully happy.

  102. Nina Xue says:

    Favorite Place to Read is in the library because when I’m done with a book, there are endless choices for me to pick. I can stay there all day:)

  103. Melissa says:

    Laying outside on a nice day in my chair ๐Ÿ™‚

  104. foodwriter12 says:

    Here’s my Email Address:

    I like to read anywhere comfortable. In my garden or the beach,which I live next to!

  105. Jordan Gaylord says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is outside on my swing while my boys run and play in the yard!

  106. Coranne says:

    Curled up in my papizan in a nice air conditioned room ๐Ÿ˜‰

    amandaccopulos (at) gmail (dot) com

  107. Fe Dan says:

    My favourite place to read is on the bed during summer, fall, winter or spring! ๐Ÿ™‚

  108. tlmfarmgirl says:

    My favorite place to read is in bed – as it’s the only place I get any peace and privacy in my busy household! LOL

  109. Teri C says:

    I love reading in the hammock while the sprinklers are on. Cool.
    terilhack at gmail dot com

  110. Jennifer R says:

    In the summer I like to read out on the deck with a frosty glass of limeade. There’s a fountain right off the deck, so I can listen to the soothing water splashing and smell the summer flowers as I read.

  111. Costie says:

    I love to read curled up in my bed late at night with my faithful Bichon beside me. Nothing in the world is better!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  112. I love to read in the armchair of my library. Such a nice, peaceful place!

  113. Thank you for participating in the hunt! I love authors who interact with their fans!

    I love to read at the beach, of course! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  114. 1110cg says:

    I love reading at the beach!

  115. StuckInBooks says:

    So I have this big over-sized chair that’s a snuggle chair, meant for two. I bought it because my dogs like to sit with me while I read. I usually have two of the three Dachshunds sitting with me when I read. The chair is in my office with a wonderful sound system so I can listen to music. This is my year round favorite place to read! =)


  116. Shelby says:

    I like to read inside, where it’s air conditioned ๐Ÿ™‚ Unless of course I’m at the beach! Reading outside sounds fun, but most of the time I’m too lazy to go outside. I do however love summer.

  117. Vivien says:

    Mine is inside on the couch with the AC on full.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  118. Karla Flores says:

    My favorite place to read is by the side of my pool where the table is at.

  119. Chen Chang says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer? Probably in bed with the air conditioner on!!!

    jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com

  120. Amber says:

    For me it’s a tie because there are two places I adore reading during the summer. The first is in a lounge chair by a cool swimming pool (though I freak out if I get my book wet). The second is on my made up bed (during the day time) and in my unmade bed at night. The distinction is important.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway! My email is

  121. I love to read in the botanic gardens near my house. Everything is so calm, peaceful, and fragrant-the perfect atmosphere! edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom

  122. Jenny K. says:

    I love to take my kayak out to the middle of a lake early in the morning and read until the middle of the day

  123. SCAVENGER HUNTERS!! These places rock! I’m blown away by all the places you take your books. So very cool. And, I’ve been known to read away a rainy weekend day in my room, so I get the comfy bed reading, too!

  124. Aryelle says:

    I love to climb through my bedroom window and read on the roof of my back porch. It totally calms and relaxes me ๐Ÿ™‚

    readingwiththefishes {at}

  125. Stephanie says:

    Loving the Scavenger hunt…please enter me to win…Thanks

  126. April says:

    My two favorite places to read during the summer is under my shade tree or in my bed!

  127. Andrea says:

    My favorite place to read is outside on our porch swing, or if I’m on vacation, at the beach.
    Thanks this is awesome!

    adawnn1 AT gmail DOT com

  128. Erica says:

    I usually just read in my bed, with the sun shining through the window right onto my bed.

  129. Suzanne Rauch says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is sprawled out on my couch!


  130. My favorite place to read is on my couch, cause I can see everything and such. ๐Ÿ˜€

  131. Amanda Ridenour says:

    I can read anywhere, but my favorite place would be in this old willow tree that sits by the lake. I read all day and then watch the sunset. It’s like seeing magic every day, which I think we all need. Find me in the willow tree.

  132. My favorite place to read this summer is at the park under a tree. I get some shade and breeze and it’s just so nice.

  133. Jenny Zoss says:

    how fun – thanks for taking part in the scavenger hunt, and for the chance to win!

    my favorite place to read in the summer is on my back deck. i have a chaise lounger for when i want some sun, and a covered bar-style table for when it gets too bright. usually, my dogs are there with me, curled up by my feet or chasing each other around the yard. iced coffee, my cell phone, and sometimes a snack complete the picture. ๐Ÿ™‚

  134. katlen0175 says:

    I have a secret garden were I spend most of my time.

  135. Ashley says:

    My favorite during the summer (or any time, really) is our sunroom. It’s amazing! Not to mention the lighting is awesome. =)

  136. Kris S says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is on the couch (I’d read at the pool, but the last time I did my book got SOAKED) ๐Ÿ™‚

    elfdrop at gmail dot com

  137. Sophia says:

    I just like to read in my room…or somwhere inside.

  138. Ivanna says:

    Anywhere, Everywhere, my bed, the car, the sitting room, at the dinner table, on holiday, outside, inside, town, the library, a coffee shop, anywhere at all.! As long as i’m reading a good book where ever i’m reading it is my favorite place.! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  139. Sydney says:

    I love to read by my pool and let my feet dangle in the water!

  140. Jen Herd says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is in the Kitchen. Can’t dive into a fantastic novel properly without snacks to satisfy the munchies graving!

  141. Rachel says:

    I walk across an acre of land and climb up in this beautiful cottonwood tree. It’s comfy, and I can lean m back across the rising branch. And, If I see fit to look away from my reading, I can see a mile of alfalfa and wheat fields.

  142. Caroline Barnett says:

    I love to read in two places. One is me and my neighbor’s (she is like a sister to me) secret spot in our neighborhood. I am not allowed to say where unfortunetly to disclose our secret spot ๐Ÿ˜‰ The other place I like to read is by the small beach in our neighborhood as well. Especially in the Spring and Autumn seasons it is so beautiful and relaxing to read my favorite stories.

  143. Melissa says:

    ON my blanket in a park with my chips and waterbottle

  144. Megan says:

    There’s nothing like reading on the dock of my family’s lake house on a summer morning while the sun rises over the lake bringing it to life. The peaceful aroma is like no other. I can find myself lost in a book as soon I open it.

  145. My favorite place to read this summer was either outside or in my room. I like getting fully absorbed into the books that I read so I go to a quiet, peaceful place. Outside at a quiet park make the scenes that take place outside seem like they are happening right in front of me. When I’m in my room it’s the ultimate silence. I can always fall into another world in my room and I don’t come out until I have finished the quest, adventure, or romance that has taken place in the book.

    Loving the scavenger hunt and can’t wait for the next stop

  146. Emma L says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is my beanbag chair next to my window and right under the AC!

  147. I love sitting on the hammock on a sunny day outside in our woods reading books of all kind.

  148. brendajean says:

    Laying in the hammock in my backyard with my hubby.

  149. Jennifer Berardi says:

    by the side of the pool, with my feet in the water.

  150. SCAVENGER HUNTERS! I just want to say to all of you reading near water, careful with those books! Of course, if you dunk them, they’ll dry but just saying… ๐Ÿ™‚

  151. Alaiel Kreuz says:

    My favorite place to read is the study in our apartment (is not really big but the way the sun comes in is wonderful!).

    Thanks for participating in this!

    Alaiel Kreuz

  152. Well this summer I read a few book while I was on the beach so that was pretty cool, but mostly I read when I go to bed.

  153. April says:

    Anywhere that i can get a quiet moment to myself. Its usually climbing into my empty bathtub with my pillow (for my back) and locking the bathroom door w the exhaust fan on so i can’t hear anyone. Lol. Yeah my house is always crazy!

  154. Patty Flores says:

    I love to read on my bed right next to the air conditioner. To make reading even more awesome I usually read at night…and sometimes into the early mornin. Ha Ha, I’m trying to kick that habit now that school starts in a few days

  155. Christina Wofford says:

    If I am at home, I love to read in bed. If I am out traveling, I love to read in the car or on a plane!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  156. Jay A says:

    I love going to my nearby park on a nice day and just sit under a tree with a good book or two ๐Ÿ™‚


  157. Snuggled up any place close enough to my Bernese mountain dog to feel his soft fur and smell his simultaneously stinky and delightful doggy breath.

  158. Lisa says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is my couch. It is way too hot to be anywhere near the outside.

  159. Anywhere cold, under a mound of covers

  160. Natalie Picchi says:

    My favorite place to read is in bed. Windows open on a cool day is an added bonus ๐Ÿ™‚


  161. I love escaping into the woods that surround my house. In the woods there is this little clearing with a small pond and high grass, and I like taking out a blanket and just laying out in the sun(: very peaceful.
    email is:
    Thanks for the giveaway!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  162. My favorite place to read this summer was either in my room or outside. I like silence when I read so that I can be fully absorbed into the books. If I’m outside at a quiet park I feel peaceful and while reading a book I’ll imagine that it is happening right in front of me. When I’m in my room I feel transported into the book. I fall head first into the world that the author has created and I don’t come out until the quest, adventure, or romance is over.

  163. Amanda Tse says:

    I love reading in the oak tree at the park. There’s always a nice breeze and it’s shady up in the tree. Paradise.

  164. Kailia says:

    I love to read in my room or somewhere outside. If I’m at the beach, I’ll read sitting on a beach chair near the water!

    twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

  165. nymfaux says:

    I love to read curled up in my bed! (especially books by Heather Davis!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    nymfauxx [at] gmail [dot] com

  166. Morgan McK says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is on my boat! I love being on the water listening to the lap of water against the boat’s hull, the buzz of the dragonflies wizzing by, the plop of a fish being released from it’s hook, and I love being in this peacefull place doing my favorite thing: reading. (=

  167. Virginia says:

    Behind my house nestled in a little crop of woods i have a hammock, and whenever i get the chance i escape there and read.

  168. Vanessa says:

    My favorite place to read during summer is on the beach. Not that I get to spend enough time reading there… but when I can it is my favorite! ๐Ÿ™‚
    poodle649 AT gmail DOT com

  169. Lisa Doucet says:

    My favourite place to read in the summer is The Public Gardens (in Halifax, where I live).

  170. jasmine villanova says:

    i read on my trampoline cuz books are more real when u read them outside ๐Ÿ™‚

  171. Kimberly M. says:

    During the Summer my absolute favorite place to read is my BED! Since I live in Florida, it is blistering hot here so there is no way to read comfortably outside for long but I enjoy sitting on my bed by the window to let the natural light add a glow to the room while still remaining cool with AC…


  172. minhchieu says:

    i love to read outside near the beach or pool

  173. Hillary says:

    I love to read in the summer anywhere I can! I suppose my favorite spot is on my bed right next to the window so the sun streams in! Thanks for doing the scavenger hunt! It is awesome, I have tons of new books to look for now!

  174. Jared Q says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is my front porch.

  175. Diana C. says:

    My favorite place to read is everywhere, really. I can’t exactly stop reading a book once I start it, and during that time I’m sort of in a trance so I don’t really notice my surroundings. But if I had to pick, then somewhere outside, where I am alone with nature and the book. ๐Ÿ™‚


  176. Jordan Evans says:

    My favorite place is out on the deck by my pool when it’s sunny! I’m not one of those people who can just lay in the sun with their eyes shut doing nothing, so reading fills up my time and gives me the excuse to tan! I also love the backrest at the foot of my bed, but since the only window i have faces south, it’s not the best for lighting.

  177. My favorite place to read during the summer is outside. Either at the beach, in a graden, or just in a lawn chair. The weather is nice and I like to enjoy it and the quiet and just lay back and enjoy a good book. Will def have to check out your books soon. Thanks for the Scavenger hunt and the giveaway.


  178. Andrea says:

    My favorite place to read is under the shade somewhere outside if it’s a nice day, or on the couch inside if it’s raining!

  179. Shauna Buck says:

    My favorite place to read is anywhere my kids are not! I usually sneak in a few pages while making dinner or hiding in h bathroom ๐Ÿ˜‰ But just lying on the couch once they finally go to bed works or me too!

  180. Amanda says:

    On my hammock or the top of my dad’s boat.


  181. Lozza says:

    I have a baby, and I have learned to love to read while nursing him on the couch ๐Ÿ™‚

  182. My absolute favorite place to read is called Boulevard Park. There’s really nothing like laying on the grass, feeling the the cool breeze on my skin and smelling the salty air floating off the Bay whilst I dive headfirst into a book… aw, bliss!


  183. My favorite reading place is…on the couch in my living room. ^_^ I honestly don’t have a favorite spot. When I feel the desire to read I just sit down anywhere and read. :p


  184. Stephanie says:

    I really like to read somewhere peaceful, otherwise I find it difficult to concentrate on what’s going on in the book, so I tend to read in my room, but if the beach isn’t too crowded and there isn’t too much noise, it’s the perfect place for me to read during the summer. If that doesn’t work out, then I read outside by the pool.

  185. Heather Caslow says:

    My favorite summer reading spot is on the back deck in the early evening.

    Thanks so much for participating in this!

  186. Carla Delgado says:

    My favorite place to read is on the floor on top of a pillow in my room with the A/C on. ๐Ÿ™‚

  187. Divya Mathew says:

    I have an Indian made bamboo swing hanging in my backyard- it’s my favorite place to read!!!

  188. Jessica says:

    In the summer I love reading on my porch during thunderstorms. I love the rain, so I always read in it (unless of course it’s raining sideways since then my book would get wet).


    Thanks for the giveaway and participating in the scavenger hunt, this is tons of fun!

  189. Ariadna says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is under a big oak tree that is just in front of my house….! Sooo pretty!

  190. Paige says:

    During the summer i love to read in a quiet place outside. Its okay tho even when theres people around me as long as its a really good book because i can just ignore everyone and sink into the book. i love being able to do that.

  191. Sophia Kea says:

    My favorite place to read, no matter what the season is, is on my bed with some music playing softly through my speakers and the light of a lamp (if at night) or the daylight through the window shining on the written words. ๐Ÿ˜€

  192. lilredwritinghood says:

    I love to read in bed before I go to sleep! Except sometimes I can’t stop reading and don’t go to sleep until very very late! I love when that happens! Awesome giveaway!

  193. Tabitha says:

    I love to lay in bed and read. Or when it’s cool outside, sit under a nice shade tree!

    My e-mail is chicababy_63019(at)yahoo(dot)com

  194. Since I live in Texas and it’s incredibly hot there, I like to read inside all nice comfy cozy curled up underneath the air conditioner in my room propped up against all kinds of nice comfy fluffy pillows and drink gallons of unsweetened ice tea!

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  195. Samantha Broten says:

    I love to lay out by my pool and catch a tan!

  196. Melora says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is cuddled up to the nearest AC Unit.

    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

  197. Elizabeth Ervin says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is anywhere! I always have a book or my e-reader tucked into my purse so I can read wherever I go. My kids have picked up the habit of always having a book around too. That’s one habit I definitely encourage!

  198. Emily says:

    I love to read curled in my bed the most.


  199. I love to read in bed. But it can be a problem sometime because i cant put the book down and by the time i know it its 3:00 am

  200. Anna Sindt says:

    My favorite place to read is in my bed=)

  201. Jamie says:

    I love to read! I read like 17 books in the month of July! I don’t really have a favorite place to read, I can read basically anywhere that is quiet!

  202. Lana adnan says:

    my favourite place to read is at our peace gardens. Especially when it’s sunny.

  203. Gaby says:

    My favorite place to read is anywhere in the house really I just go into a room and turn on the t.v. but I lower the volume because I don’t Ike reading in quiet places because it’s to quiet I like a little noise here and there haha ๐Ÿ˜€

  204. SCAVENGER HUNTERS! Wow — this is so great! Thanks for sharing all your favorite places to read. I’m loving these entries! Hope you’re having fun with the hunt today. ๐Ÿ™‚

  205. Natalie Brown says:

    In the gardens on Patsy’s Porch with friends who are reading the same book so we can stop and talk about several huge parts!

  206. karencox says:

    I love to read outside in the sun, either on a blanket, in a lawn chair or even just on the ground.
    this has been a lot of fun today!

  207. Kelly W says:

    My favorite is on the Porch, but since it’s so hot this year, I bought a goofy lookin chair for my room to read in.

  208. Cass says:

    I’m going to be an oddball and say I love to read on the 4 train during the summer. It’s elevated for some of it’s route and isn’t exactly the sturdiest train, but I love the movement and chaos. ๐Ÿ˜€

  209. My favorite place to read during the summer is on the deck in the back yard.

  210. Gabi says:

    My bed!! I have a bunch of pillows. And my kitty curls up with me, and add a favorite book, and it’s a lovely afternoon. :] Gabi: teddycavygal at yahoo dot com

  211. Rachel G says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in a big comfy chair in my living room right next to the window looking out into my front yard.

  212. Taylor says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in my backyard next to my pool. C:

  213. Amanda Baird says:

    During the summer I love to read next to my dog outside in the sun.

  214. Lauren says:

    I love to read in my cozy chair by candlelight!

  215. mermaidvision says:

    I loved reading on my porch! It’s always really breezy and sunny. ๐Ÿ˜€

  216. mariana arevalo says:

    Seriously. My favorite place to read is at the beach. The nature around my relaxs my senses so the book seems that much better. But of course i don’t live be the beach so i have to settle for the balcony where i can still feel the breeze and listen to the birds. It really is a strees reliever too! You should try it out!! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope everyone gets to enjoy their books at their favorite spot!!! โค

  217. RivkaBelle says:

    Favorite place to read in the summer…considering how HOT my summers are: curled up inside, somewhere soft, with a whirring ceiling fan and a glass of sweet iced tea ๐Ÿ™‚

  218. In the summer (and spring, too) I really love to sit by the pool with my feet in the water and read . . . though getting splashed does pose a problem!

    book.splot AT gmail DOT com

  219. The best place to read during the summer is on the hammock on the back porch!

  220. Andrea says:

    Anyplace is a good place to read for me, as long as its quiet!! But I should say the best is in the backyard under our walnut tree. That way it is shaded and cool and quiet ๐Ÿ™‚

  221. I love to open my windows in the evening, sit on my bed with all my pillows while letting the ceiling fan pulls a gentle breeze through the room.

    Thanks for the contest!

  222. Valia says:

    I love reading by the pool! We have one in the backyard and its an addiction, really. ๐Ÿ™‚


  223. Kathryn says:

    My favorite place to read is up a tree, where random things can’t bother me.

  224. Sarah Green says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer used to be on the road. My husband used to be in a band and they went on tour every summer. However, we just welcomed a new baby boy to our family…so he is (finally!!!) off the road and the couch snuggled with my baby is my new reading spot!

  225. mariana arevalo says:

    Seriously. My favorite place to read is at the beach. The nature around my relaxs my senses so the book seems that much better. But of course i don’t live be the beach so i have to settle for the balcony where i can still feel the breeze and listen to the birds. It really is a strees reliever too! You should try it out!! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope everyone gets to enjoy their books at their favorite spot!!! โค

    sorry i wrote it twice because my email was wrong! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  226. Mrs. Heise says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is on a beach with the waves crashing in the background.

    heisereads [at] gmail[dot]com

  227. Marissa says:

    I love reading in my bed in my nice air conditoned room not very original but in Texas it`s to hot to read anywhere outside!

  228. Michelle G says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is outside on a picnic blanket. There’s a park about a mile from my house. I can walk there with my blanket, book and snacks. It’s great to get some sun and enjoy the day and my book

  229. My favorite place to read during the summer is by the pool! Or in the hammock. Two awesome places!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    thecozyreader @

  230. Alison Matesi says:

    Thank you very much for the giveaway! I love Never Cry Werewolf so much. My favorite place to read during the summer is my front porch swing, because it’s quiet and peaceful and I can be alone.

  231. Kristen H. says:

    I love reading by the poolside. ๐Ÿ™‚

    dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

  232. Tori says:

    In the summer I love sit in my backyard reading while my son plays ๐Ÿ™‚

  233. Nikki Ausman says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is just simply in my bedroom on my huge bed. Of course I love it even more with my dog laying at my feet!

  234. Amber says:

    I love to read under the big tree in my backyard while laying on our hammock

  235. Megan Cheng says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is in the comfort of my bedroom.

  236. misty says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is my room since i have severe allergies.

  237. Natalie says:

    I was just there today! My favourite place to read is on a sunny day at the beach (English Bay, Vancouver, BC). I bring a huge blanket, some munchies and curl up all day!

  238. Alice says:

    My favorite place to read is on the beach – preferably a Northern California beach that is ringed by cliffs, so it’s quiet and not too crowded. Just me, the waves, and my book. Heaven! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  239. Mary says:

    I love to read on the front steps on my house.

  240. My favorite place to read in the summer is the bench outside of my public library, where the town pool and a playground is also located ๐Ÿ™‚

  241. Amy C. says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is in my bedroom in my favorite chair that spins around with the window wide open next to me. It’s so peaceful to have the breeze coming through and it’s a nice and quiet, personal space to enjoy books which is hard to find in a house of six people.

  242. LisaILJ says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is always the beach. However since I can only get to the beach for a week each summer, I would say in the airplane, since I seem to be living in them and at airports the last two summers.

    leyser73 at yahoo dot com

  243. Hikari Black says:

    My favourite place to read will always be my room. There’s no place like home (:


  244. RaShelle says:

    During the summer, I have three kids at home, so I like to read someplace quiet… Sometimes the best place is in one of their rooms. Mwahahaha


  245. Sara says:

    During the summer, I love to go to by backyard and sit on the red swing while reading. It’s usually not too hot out, and theres always a little breeze(normally). It’s calming and peaceful.
    shh.tiger at gmail dot com

  246. Holly June says:

    My favorite place to read in the summer is in my room under my bed(the top bunk).

  247. Hanna says:

    I like to read in my bed early in the morning when the sun is shining brightly through my window.

  248. Joanna Walker says:

    Favorite place to read during summer: my home where I grew up, out in the countryside, near a creek where trees provide shade as a cool breeze blows by (sometimes, if I have the chance to go out there,) I like to soak my feet in the creek.

  249. andie says:

    i love to curl up in my room with a book where nobody can bother me and read all night

  250. Stephanie Karina says:

    my favorite place to read is in my bed, snuggled up:)

  251. Holly Lawson says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer…probably the beach and since I live in the Pacific Northwest it doesn’t really get too hot and there’s always a breeze so it’s perfect ๐Ÿ™‚



  252. Shelley Chastagner says:

    Reading in the sun at LaPush on First Beach was magical.

  253. Lesley says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is my front porch. We had fans put in on the ceiling, there is a rocking chair, and beautiful windchimes I bought from the Cayman Islands that if I close my eyes and really listen I feel like I’m still there.
    Love it, I practically live there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  254. Andrea M. says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is our on the porch in our condo in Hilton Head. We go there for one week every summer and I love to sit outside and listen to the waves on the beach and read my heart out!

  255. kim says:

    i like to read in the backyard

  256. Roa says:

    My favorite place to read this summer was in my comfy bedroom, while walking around so I could burn calories while reading :3 Stretching the mind and my muscles.

  257. Samber says:

    My favorite place to read this summer was in my home. Mostly on my bed since I’ve had bed rest since my car accident. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ But I would rather have went to the beach or something to read ๐Ÿ™‚

  258. My favorite place to read is on my couch in the Air Conditioner!! Easy to relax and not get a sunburn. ๐Ÿ™‚

  259. Celeste Miller says:

    My favorite place to read is on my porch swing. I love to read when its a nice sunny day with a breeze. With Birds chirping.

  260. eshydog says:

    My favorite place to read during the summer is outside! Either on the half buried tractor tire next to the big black walnut tree or ontop of the shaded dilapitaded(sp? sorry) trampoline.

  261. Megan @Amethyst Daydreams says:

    I love to read in the Adirondack chair on my back porch in the summer.

    AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

  262. Samantha says:

    outside on my grandma’s porch. ๐Ÿ™‚

  263. Frances Jao says:

    My favorite place to read is on my bed room. It gives me the quiet I need whenever I’m reading. I don’t want people disturbing when I’m in a magical place created by the author. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great giveaway! YA Scavenger Hunt is so Awzum. Who would’ve thought hunting can be this fun?!

  264. Aimee Renee says:

    My favorite place to read is on my couch. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! ๐Ÿ™‚

  265. Stephanie says:

    On the patio chair in the shade of the umbrella with a tall iced coffee – preferably on days with a lite breeze.

  266. Megan A. says:

    My favorite place is my room. Whether summer, winter, or any time, my room is where I read ๐Ÿ™‚

  267. My favorite place to read in the summer time is on my porch with a nice tall glass of iced tea:)

    patriciamendoza AT gmail DOT com

  268. Michaela says:

    It’s sort of cliche, but I love to go to the library to read. They have a warm, breezy patio with comfy chairs, and it’s great to have a nice place to get away from the noise of my house. ๐Ÿ™‚

  269. Dominique says:

    i have a lavender room in my house, it’s really relaxing.

  270. Brooke says:

    I really love to read, so it doesn’t matter where I am just as long as I have a good book with me ๐Ÿ™‚

  271. Korene says:

    I mainly enjoy reading in a quite/peaceful place

  272. Janey says:

    I think my favorite place to read is the waiting room in my dance studio, I know thats a weird place to read because it stinks of feet and sweat, but that smell is kinda comforting cause its familiar and I feel safe to just get completely lost in a book. To listen to the music coming from the other room and the teacher shouting comments, until the world of my book drowns out all of those sounds.
    Its a place where I can escape the world that judges you, where I go to dance everyone is nice and thats a nice place to fall into a book.

  273. Patricia S. says:

    My favorite place to read books is on my bed ๐Ÿ˜€


  274. Sugandha Bajaj says:

    My favourite place to read in the summer is under the shade of a nice big willow tree ๐Ÿ™‚

  275. Jami says:

    I don’t know if I can come up with just on favorite place. I love to read on my aunts dock that overlooks a big beautiful lake. To be honest though, I don’t really care where I am reading was long as I am reading!

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway

  276. Angela Brown says:

    My favorite place to read is curled up in the corner of the sofa, beneath the whir of the ceiling fan and wrapped in my daughter’s Disney Princess plush throw. With a good book and a glass of wine in hand, that becomes my own little slice of heaven on earth.

    Angela B.

  277. Keep those great entries coming, readers. You can enter this giveaway until Friday, August 5th!

  278. Kaitlyn says:

    this may sound weird, but my favorite place to read sitting on the kitchen counter. that way you can get a snack without having to venture very far…..

  279. Danielle R. says:

    My favorite place to read is curled up in bed, or on the couch, feeling all nice and cozy, during a rain storm,

  280. Ashley says:

    My favorite reading place is my bed, always. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can close my door & be all by myself & get all comfy & just read! ๐Ÿ™‚ Although, I will say that reading outside can be quite nice too, as long as their in no wind.

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